East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting 2015
Time: February 9-12, 2015
Place: Taipei, Taiwan


Total number of participants: 143
1 Juan Carlos ALGABA 林煥 Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute
[Oral Presentation] KVN, KaVA and VLBI activities in Korea
2 Sung-Ho AN 安成浩 Yonsei University
[Oral Presentation] The Statistical Analysis of Interacting Dark Matter Halos
3 Irham Taufik ANDIKA Department of Astronomy, Institut Teknologi Bandung
[Oral Presentation] The BIMA Project: Analysis of O-C Diagram on AO Vel
4 Weihao BIAN 卞维豪 Nanjing Normal University
[Poster] Variability of BAL QSOs from SDSS
5 Qing-cui BU 卜庆翠 Beijing Normal University
[Poster] Correlations in Horizontal Branch Oscillations and Break Components in XTE J1701-462 and GX 17+2
6 Zihuang CAO 曹子皇 NAOC
7 Eswaraiah CHAKALI 蔡音協 Institute of Astronomy, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan
[Oral Presentation] Magnetic field structure in star-forming regions
8 James CHAN 詹弘旭 ASIAA/NTU
[Oral Presentation] CHITAH: Strong-Gravitational-Lens Hunter in Imaging Surveys
9 Chan-Kao CHANG 章展誥 Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Taiwan
[Oral Presentation] The Asteroid Spin Rate Study By Using PTF Data
10 Dani Chun-Yi CHAO NTHU
[Poster] Cross-correlation of WISE galaxies and Planck temperature sky maps
11 Chang-Yao CHEN 陳長趯 NCU
[Poster] Searching for Possible Members of Beta Pictoris Moving Group in the Kepler Field
12 Chih-Fan CHEN 陳之藩 ASIAA/NTU
[Oral Presentation] First Use of Adaptive Optics Imaging to Constrain Cosmology with Gravitational Time Delays
13 Hsuan-Ju CHEN 陳宣如 Institute of Astronomy, National Central University
[Poster] Effects of Galaxy Environments on Star Formation Activities
14 I-Chenn CHEN 陳以忱 Institute of Astronomy, National Central University
[Poster] Color Variability of Red QSOs
15 Kuan CHEN 陳寬 NTNU
16 Samantha CHEN 陳昶君 NTHU
[Poster] Exploring the Outflow Kinematics in the Cluster-Forming Region W3 IRS5
17 Yen-Chen CHEN 陳彥蓁 Institute of Astronomy, National Central University
[Poster] Morphology of Seyfert galaxies
18 Ying-Tung CHEN 陳英同 ASIAA
19 Ting-Yun CHENG 鄭婷筠 NTHU
20 Yun-Ting CHENG 鄭昀庭 NTU
21 Sze-leung CHEUNG 張師良 IAU/NAOJ
[Oral Presentation] Astronomy Outreach as a profession
22 Chia-Ying CHIANG 江佳穎 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University
[Oral Presentation] Modelling the Extreme X-ray Spectrum of IRAS 13224-3809
23 Changhyun CHO 曺彰賢 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
24 Ti-Lin CHOU 周帝霖 NTU/ASIAA
25 You-Hua CHU 朱有花 ASIAA
[Oral Presentation] Bubbles Big and Small: Impact on Galaxy Evolution
26 Zhe CHU 褚哲 Purple Mountain Observatory
27 Duo CUI 崔夺 Tsinghua University
[Oral Presentation] Plant distribution simulation and observation on habitable planet
[Oral Presentation] Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations for Cosmology
29 Nahiely FLORES-FAJARDO Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics/Department of Astronomy, Pekin University, China
[Oral Presentation] Ionization of the diffuse gas in galaxies explained by HOLMES
30 Hideaki FUJIWARA 藤原英明 Subaru Telescope, NAOJ
[Oral Presentation] Warm Debris Disks Proved by AKARI Observations
31 Hidekazu HANAYAMA 花山 秀和 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
[Poster] Observations of Solar System Objects with Murikabushi 105cm Telescope
[Oral Presentation] Chemical Model of the Circumnuclear Disk around an Active Galactic Nucleus
33 Jeong-Eun HEO 許禎恩 Sejong University
[Poster] Raman-scattered Ne VII λ973 at 4881 Å in the symbiotic star V1016 Cygni
34 Tobias Cornelius HINSE Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute
[Poster] Detecting and Modelling Circumbinary Companions From Timing Measurements
35 Luis HO 何子山 Kavili Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University
[Oral Presentation] Black Holes Big and Small: Impact on Galaxy Evolution
36 Yu Heng HO 賀聿恆 National Tsing Hua University, NTHU
37 Duc Thuong HOANG AstroParticles and Cosmology - APC, University of science and technology of hanoi-USTH
[Poster] Cosmic ray interaction with detectors of the Planck satellite for the measurement of the cosmic microwave background radiation polarization
38 Takafumi HORI 堀貴郁 Kyoto University
[Oral Presentation] Suzaku Observation of the Black Hole Binary 4U 1630-47 in the Very High State
39 Kuan-Chou HOU 侯冠州 ASIAA/NTU
[Poster] Environments of SMGs
41 Tien-Hao HSIEH 謝天晧 National Tsing-Hua University
[Oral Presentation] Precessing Protostellar Outflows from a Potential Proto-Brown Dwarf System - IRAS 16253-2429
42 Bo HU 胡 波 Purple Mountain Observatory
[Poster] 6.7GHz Methanol Maser Survey on Galactic Plane
43 C. W. Locutus HUANG 黃智威 ASIAA
44 Chung-Kai HUANG 黃鍾凱 National Central University/ASIAA
[Poster] TAOSII project and the characteristic of CMOS Image Sensor CIS107
45 Kevin HUANG 黃彥凱 ASIAA/NTU
46 Po-Chieh HUANG 黃柏傑 National Central University
[Poster] Photopolarimetric Observation and Period Analysis of the UXor Type Young Star GM Cep
47 Shan HUANG 黃山 ASIAA
48 Ryuki HYODO 兵頭龍樹 Kobe University
[Oral Presentation] On the diversity of satellite systems formed from Roche-interior particle disks
49 Hwasu HYUN 玄和修 Kyungpook National University
[Oral Presentation] Homogeneity test of large-scale structures using SDSS DR7 Luminous Red Galaxies
50 Kohei ICHIKAWA 市川幸平 Kyoto University
[Oral Presentation] How torus structure affects detection of polarized broad emission lines in active galactic nuclei
51 Hiroyuki IKEDA Ehime Univ./ASIAA
[Poster] Quasar-LBG two-point angular cross-correlation function at z~4 in the COSMOS field
52 Kugseob JO 曺國燮 Seoul National Univ.
[Poster] Gas and Stellar Kinematics of 9 Pseudo Bulge Galaxies
53 Yijung KANG 姜利姃 Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University
[Oral Presentation] The Correlation between Mass and Population Age of the Early-Type Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae
54 Rieko KAWABATA 河端 理依子 Kyoto University
55 Taiki KAWAMURO 川室太希 Kyoto University
[Oral Presentation] X-ray luminosity function of tidal disruption events from MAXI extragalactic survey
56 Dohyeong KIM Seoul National University
[Oral Presentation] Red AGNs becoming normal AGNs
[Oral Presentation] Quasi-spherical spiral-shell pattern as a hint of binarity
58 Jin-Ah KIM Yonsei University
59 Yoonyoung KIM Seoul National University
60 Masato KIUCHI 木内真人 Kobe university
[Poster] Relationship between Regolith Particle Size and Porosity on Small Bodies
61 Albert KONG 江國興 National Tsing Hua University
62 Chuan-Chin LAI 賴傳錦 ASIAA
63 Chiao-Yu LEE 李巧瑜 NTHU
64 Robin LEE 李金茂 CUHK
[Poster] APol — ASTE Polarimeter
65 Wing-Kit LEE ASIAA
[Oral Presentation] Numerical Simulations of Disk Galaxies
66 Chong LI 李翀 Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences
67 Haining LI 李海宁 NAOC
[Oral Presentation] Searching for chemical relics in the Milky Way with LAMOST
68 I-Hsiu LI 李宜修 ASIAA/NTNU
69 Yanxia LI 李燕侠 IfA, University of Hawaii
[Oral Presentation] Characterizing the Cosmic Infrared Background Fluctuations
70 Chien-Cheng LIN 林建爭 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
[Poster] Characterization of Star Clusters with Pan-STARRS1
71 I-Ling LIN 林怡伶 IANCU
[Poster] Template Light Curves of Cepheid Variables Based on PS1 PAndromeda Data
72 Lin LIN 林琳 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
[Oral Presentation] Spatially resolved stellar population properties and evolution clues in a nearby galaxy M101
73 Sheng-Jun LIN 林聖鈞 National Tsing-Hua University
[Poster] Star Formation in the L1551 Region
74 Yao-Yu LIN 林曜宇 NTU/LeCosPA
[Oral Presentation] Gravitational Slingshot as a Transport Mechanism to Alleviate Cold Dark Matter Small Scale Problems
75 Beibei LIU 刘倍贝 Peking University
[Oral Presentation] Migration and Growth of Protoplanetary Embryos II: Emergence of Proto-Gas-Giants Cores versus Super Earths' Progenitor
76 Bin LIU 刘彬 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Scineces
[Poster] Multi-band radio recombination lines observations toward W51
77 Chih-Yuan LIU 劉志原 IoA NTHU and LESIA ObsPM
[Poster] Search for Sub-Kilometer Trans-Neptunian Objects Using CoRoT Asteroseismology Data
78 Chun-Fan LIU 劉君帆 ASIAA/NTU
[Oral Presentation] Optical [Ne III] Jet from DG Tau with VLT/X-Shooter Spectra
79 Tie LIU 刘铁 Korea astronomy and space science institute
[Oral Presentation] Follow-up observations toward Planck cold clumps with ground-based radio telescopes
80 Yiqing LIU 刘逸清 Peking University
[Oral Presentation] The specific frequency of globular clusters in different galaxy clusters
81 Yujuan LIU 刘玉娟 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[Oral Presentation] lithium abundance in K/G giants
82 Yi LU 庐宜 ShangHai Astronomical Observatory
[Oral Presentation] Using member galaxy luminosities as halo mass proxies of galaxy groups
83 Chi chun LUNG 龍志鈞 National Taiwan Normal University
[Poster] Environment Effects of the Stellar Mass Luminosity Function inside the Sixty Clusters of Galaxies at Low Redshift
84 Ye-Wei MAO 毛业伟(毛業偉) Purple Mountain Observatory
[Poster] Features of Dust Attenuation Law in UV and IR Observational Properties for Galaxies
85 Kazuma MATSUE 松榮 一真 Kobe University
[Poster] Experimental study on propagation process of impact-induced seismic wave in quartz sand simulating asteroid regolith layer
86 Jun-Sung MOON 文埈晟 Yonsei University
[Oral Presentation] The Correlation of Star Formation in Galaxies with Neighbors
[Oral Presentation] Numerical simulations of the reflection-symmetric bi-polar outflow HH211
[Poster] Molecular hydrogen emission in the interstellar medium of the Large Magellanic Cloud
89 Quang NGUYEN LUONG ALMA Chile Obsrvatory, NAOJ
[Oral Presentation] Ministarburst in the Milky Way
90 Camilla PACIFICI Yonsei University Observatory
[Oral Presentation] On the importance of using appropriate spectral models to derive physical properties of galaxies at 0.7 < z < 2.8
91 Hsi-An PAN 潘璽安 Hokkaido University
[Oral Presentation] What is a GMC? Are Observers and Simulators Discussing the Same Star-forming Clouds?
92 Kang-Shian PAN 潘康嫻 NCU
[Oral Presentation] Rotationally Resolved Polarization Observations of the Main-Belt Asteroid (596) Scheila
93 Daeseong PARK NAOC
[Oral Presentation] Investigating the cosmic evolution of the black hole mass - bulge luminosity relation
94 Mario PASQUATO Yonsei University
[Poster] Interpreting N-body simulation using machine-learning methods
95 Yaping PENG 彭亚萍 Yun Nun University
[Poster] High spatial resolution multiline observations toward the Orion KL
96 Ngoc Diep PHAM Vietnam Astrophysics Training LaboratorY (VATLY)
97 Tuan-Anh PHAM Vietnam Training Laboratory (VATLY), Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology
[Oral Presentation] Resolving the molecular gas around the lensed quasar RXJ0911.4+0551
98 Hung-Yi PU 卜宏毅 ASIAA
[Oral Presentation] Semi-analytical GRMHD Model and Its Synchrotron Radiation Image on Horizon Scale
99 Evaria PUSPITANINGRUM Department of Astronomy, Institut Teknologi Bandung
[Oral Presentation] Investigating the Martian South Polar Seasonal Fan Deposits with Planet Four
101 Kazuhiro SEKIGUCHI 関口 和寬 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
102 Akifumi SEKO 世古 明史 Kyoto University
[Oral Presentation] Molecular gas properties in star-forming galaxies at z~1.4 with ALMA
103 Jaejin SHIN Seoul National University
[Oral Presentation] Gas outflow in local Type 1 AGNs
104 Zong-Fu SIE 謝宗富 IANCU
[Poster] The evolved-star dust budget of the Small Magellanic Cloud from model fits to multi-epoch, multi-band data
106 Yi-Hao SU 蘇羿豪 Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Taiwan
[Oral Presentation] Characterizing the Intermittency of the 4 Hz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in XTE J1550-564 via Hilbert-Huang Transform
107 Ali TAANI 塔尼阿里 Al-Balqa' Applied University
[Oral Presentation] The Effect of Kick Velocity during the Accretion Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs on Binary Pulsars
108 Ji-Jia TANG 湯濟家 ASIAA
109 Ya-Wen TANG 湯雅雯 ASIAA
110 Haijun TIAN 田海俊 NAOC
111 An-Li TSAI 蔡安理 NCU
[Poster] The dust properties of red QSOs
112 Yousuke UTSUMI 内海 洋輔 Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center
[Oral Presentation] HinOTORI: Three colours simultaneous imager in Tibet
113 Kuo-Song WANG 王國松 ASIAA
114 Liang-Yao WANG 王亮堯 ASIAA/NTU
[Oral Presentation] Exploring Properties of Class 0 Molecular Outflows With The Unified Wind Model
115 Yuwei WANG 王玉玮 Peking University
[Oral Presentation] Climate patterns of habitable exoplanets in eccentric orbits around M dwarfs
116 Li-Wei WEI 魏立為 Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
[Poster] Pre-Stabilized Laser System For The Advanced Virgo Project
117 Kenneth WONG ASIAA
[Oral Presentation] Environments of Time-Delay Gravitational Lenses
118 Chia Hsun WU 吳佳勳 NTHU
[Poster] Candidate of possible variable gamma-ray pulsars
119 Yu-Ting WU 吳禹葶 ASIAA
[Oral Presentation] The Properties of Collisional Ring Galaxies
120 Zhenyu WU 武振宇 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC)
121 Jinlong XU 徐金龙 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[Poster] Star formation around the expanding HII region Sh2-82
122 Chang-shuo YAN 闫昌硕 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[Oral Presentation] Microlensing of Sub-parsec Massive Binary Black Holes in Lensed QSOs
123 Chien-Ying YANG 楊千瑩 NTHU Institute of Astronomy
[Poster] The Polarimetric Performance of the COmpton Spectrometer and Imager(COSI)
124 Yang YANG 杨阳 Nanjing University
125 Hsi-Wei YEN 顏士韋 ASIAA
[Oral Presentation] Observational Studies of Disk Formation around Low-mass Protostars
126 Ya-Wen YO NTNU
127 Hyunju YOO Chungnam National University
[Poster] Effects of Multiple-scale driving on turbulence statistics
128 Sung-Chul YOON Seoul National University
[Oral Presentation] Pre-supernova evolution of massive stars
129 Fangting YUAN 袁方婷 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
[Oral Presentation] Observing galaxy pairs using MaNGA
130 Haibo YUAN 苑海波 KIAA-PKU
[Oral Presentation] A new method for color calibration to a few mmag accuracy, the recalibration of Stripe 82, and implications on Galactic archaeology
131 Qi-Rong YUAN 袁啟荣 Nanjing Normal University
132 Takayuki YUASA 湯浅孝行 RIKEN
[Oral Presentation] The origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission
133 Nannan YUE 岳楠楠 NAOC
[Poster] Multi-wavelength Analysis of Dust Emissions from Dense Cores
134 Ka Ho YUEN 袁嘉豪 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
[Oral Presentation] Self Similar Fragmentation and Magnetic Morphology in NGC6334 massive star forming region
135 Kiyun YUN 尹起潤 Yonsei Univ.
[Oral Presentation] Unstructured Moving-Mesh Hydrodynamic Simulation
136 Biao ZHANG 张彪 University of Science and Technology of China
[Oral Presentation] Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the merging cluster of galaxies PLCK G036.7+14.9
137 Bingkai ZHANG 张丙开 Fuyang Normal College, Anhui Province
[Poster] The correlated radio-optical variations in blazars
138 Fupeng ZHANG 张福鹏 The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University
[Oral Presentation] On Constraining the Kerr Metric of the Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center through the Relativistic Orbital Motion of the Closest Star: Full General Relativistic Treatment
139 Haiyan ZHANG National Astronomical Observatories of CAS
[Poster] FAST EMC Issues
140 Liang ZHANG 張亮 Beijing Normal University
[Poster] The NuSTAR View of a QPO Evolution of GRS 1915+105
141 Shuinai ZHANG 张水乃 Purple Mountain Observatory
142 Jinjin ZHAO 赵金锦 Tsinghua University
[Oral Presentation] Photochemical Escape and Corona Distribution of Oxygen on Early Mars
143 Jing ZHONG 钟靖 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
[Oral Presentation] The M giants classification in the LAMOST DR1