East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting 2015
Time: February 9-12, 2015
Place: Taipei, Taiwan

Oral Presentation

The Effect of Kick Velocity during the Accretion Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs on Binary Pulsars

Ali Taani (Applied Science Department, Aqaba University College, Al-Balqa' Applied University)

The kick velocity which arises during the binary interaction plays an important role in disruption or surviving the binary systems. This talk attempts to draw an evolutionary connection of the long-period (Porb ≥ 2 d) millisecond pulsars (MSPs) with orbits of low eccentricity (e ≤ 0.2).
We propose that a kick velocity caused by dynamical effects of asymmetric collapse imparted to the companion star through an accretion induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs-that become unstable once they approach the Chandrasekhar limit-can account for the differences in their orbital period distributions. Furthermore, in some cases, an appropriate kick can disrupt the binary system and result in the birth of isolated MSPs. Otherwise, the binary survives and an eccentric binary MSP is formed. In this case
only the binding energy equivalent (0.2M⊙) of mass is lost and the system remains intact in a symmetric collapse. Consequently, the AIC decreases the mass of the neutron star and increases the orbital period leading to orbit circularization. We present the results of our model and discuss the possible implications for the binary MSPs in galactic disk and globular clusters.