East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting 2015
Time: February 9-12, 2015
Place: Taipei, Taiwan

Oral Presentation

Homogeneity test of large-scale structures using SDSS DR7 Luminous Red Galaxies

Hwasu Hyun (Kyungpook National University), Chan-Gyeong Park (Chonbuk National University), Jai-Chan Hwang (Kyungpook National University)

The standard cosmological model assumes that the matter distribution on sufficiently large scales is statistically homogeneous and isotropic. We test homogeneity of the matter distribution based on 105,831 Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) of SDSS DR7 in the redshift range 0.16 < z < 0.47. The test is conducted by counting the number of LRGs inside circular disks on the sky centered at individual galaxies within a specified redshift slice. For different redshifts and disk radii, statistical variations of galaxy number density within the disk are compared with the average number density over the whole survey area. In order to estimate the statistical significance of our measurement, we have carried out the same analysis using the random mock catalogs generated from the Poisson distribution and the halo mock catalogs produced from the N-body simulation of large-scale structures.