East Asian Meeting on Astronomy
Time: October 14-18, 2013
Place: Taipei, Taiwan

Oral Presentation

Mode of accretion, Jet Dynamics and Particle Acceleration physics in radio galaxies

Chiranjib Konar, Martin Hardcastle

Radio Galaxies are the potential laboratories for studying the jet black hole symbiosis in extra-galactic black hole
accretion system. I will give an overall picture of radio galaxy physics including our recent results. In our recent
work, our theoretical plus observational study of jet and
its dynamics in different episodes of jet activity has
revealed various hitherto unknown aspects of the extra-galactic jets. We discover that the injection spectral
indices are similar in the two different episodes for most
of the Episodic Radio Galaxies in our sample. I will
discuss the implications of this results in building a
self-consistent theoretical picture of the dynamics of FRII
jets and the particle acceleration (Fermi first order) physics at the hotspots. We have refined many subtle
theoretical issues related to jet dynamics.