East Asian Meeting on Astronomy
Time: October 14-18, 2013
Place: Taipei, Taiwan

Poster Presentation

Identification of faint members in open cluster by Pan-STARRS and PPMXL data

Chung-Kai Huang (IANCU), Chien-Cheng Lin (IANCU), Wen-Ping Chen (IANCU)

Open Clusters play an important role in studying stellar evolution, as well as the formation and evolution of the Galactic disk. Identification of member stars in a star cluster is the first step to derive the fundamental physical parameters of the cluster, such as the distance, age, size, spatial distribution, reddening, and metallicity. In particular, possible tidal structure related to the internal dynamical evolution and external influence by the Galactic environments can be inferred. As a pilot program to identify and study the low-mass members in open clusters, or substellar objects for nearby clusters, we present here analysis of NGC752 to characterize its low-mass members by using the PPMXL proper motion and Pan-STARRS photometric data. The secured list of members allows us to determine reliably the cluster parameters including the distance, age, size, as well as any tidal structure as a trace of the dynamical history of this cluster in the Galactic environment.